I will follow you..follow you wherever you may go..

There isn't an ocean too deep
A mountain so high it can keep me away

I must follow you
Ever since you touched my hand I know

That near you I always must be
And nothing can keep you from me

You are my destiny

Lagu yg terngiang-ngiang di telinga petang tadi..

Masa Hana nak berbuka Ayesha duk ikut ke dapur ulang alik

Fatema menangis nak didukung

Ends up Hana berbuka bersila sambil dukung Fatema sambil Ayesha duk tepi peha..

Hana minum dan ratah buah naga sikit.. Nasi letak tepi. Tutup lauk pauk kuih semua.

Bawa dua-dua kat tilam.

BF Fatema. Fatema mula tidur. Ayesha dari tadi peluk peha.. Hana dukung sampai dia tidur.

You know what I miss the most after entering this motherhood journey?

Having time alone to explore more about Islam..

I feel there is a sudden "gap" with me in understa ding Islam after becoming a mother

Weird it is.. after few weeks convert to Islam

I feel so alone.
But my heart was at rest.

Now there is a certain amount of ups and down in trying to maintain my ibadah

Having very limited time to spend in a day for myself, I feel sometimes I was "separated" from my ibadah

Performing solah was always in a quick motion, sometimes I wasn't able to say my dua..

I do miss "talking" and pouring my heart out to Allah.

Tapi bila tengok anak-anak, hati tetap jadi cair..

Then I started to think..

Maybe my ibadah is my motherhood.

My prayer is my love for my children and my husband.

Maybe is not about able to perform solah on time and in a "kusyuk" Moment

Maybe It's more to sabr and keeping my sanity on my role of a mother that representing my ibadah..

Everytime I feel mundane, I always keep this in mind.

Soon, they will not "follow me" again.. they will not want to beg for me, needing me, be this clingy, and I will be the one who need them by my side always

Thus, this moment I must appreciated the most

One day, I will look back and be thankful.

For all the days they "follow me" is the memories I will cherished forever.


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